Ivy Benson

Software Engineer

Profile Picture

Hi, I'm Ivy!

I am a software engineer from Minneapolis, MN.

I am currently working as a Reliability software engineer and am looking for new opportunities.

I originally went to school for Theatre Tech & Design as well as Business Administration. While I do love theatre, I found that I was looking for a field with more growth and flexibility for the future. I am looking to apply my skills in web development instead.

Web development is something that I've been interested in exploring for quite a while. I like to be able to apply creative problem solving which is a large factor in both web development and theatre. And I'm going to count putting my work out online as a performance.

About Me:

Technologies Used

Languages: Java

Front End: Javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, React, Redux

Back End: Node.js, Express, PostgresSQL, Mocha & Chai, REST APIS

Dev Tools: Postman, Git, GitHub, Chrome DevTools, Chef, Heroku, Vercel

Monitoring Proficiencies: Splunk, Elastic Stack, Dynatrace, Grafanaerdw6

Additional Technical Fluencies: Adobe Suite, Photoshop, Google Suites, Splunk, Grafana, Kibana


Boredom Buster


Find yourself longing for entertainment, and the regular socials and Netflix just aren't cutting it? Bust your boredom with this app! Within the app, you can entertain yourself in four different ways. You can find a new joke, test yourself with trivia, find a new cocktail recipe, and find an activity to do. I used HTML, CSS, Javascript, and jQuery to build this app. Here is the Github Repo Link. Here is the Live App.

Dungeons Truth


Dungeons Truth is an app that role-playing game players can use to create a more rounded out experience when playing the game. Dungeons Truth acts as a platform to log the player’s and character’s experiences throughout the campaign. Upon login, users create a campaign that displays a code. On the campaign log, users can post publicly and privately logging towns they have traveled to, who they meet, what creatures they fight, and magical objects they pick find. This app uses React for the front end and my own NodeJS server for the backend. Here is the Github Repo Link Here is the Live App.



HabitNow is a tool that users can use to build habits. There is no limit to the number of goals they can add, each with an individual calendar. Users add a practice with the number of times per week they want to complete the habit and note about it. Next, the habit goes to the user's dashboard. Users track days by tapping the calendar of the day they have completed their task. This action is what establishes the routine of the habit. This app uses React for the front end and a NodeJS server for the backend. Here is the Github Repo Link. Here is the Live App.